
La famiglia di casse AT, quadri elettrici a parete,  comprende casse metalliche per fissaggio a parete e per braccio pensile.

I quadri elettrici a parete di Auger Srl, si dividono in:

·       Quadro elettrico a parete con Porta Singola

o   AT boxes W ≤ 600 mm and H ≤ 800

o   enclosure made of 1,35 mm thick sheet steel

o   blank door made of 1,5 mm thick sheet steel

o   AT boxes W ≥ 600 mm and H > 800

o   enclosure made of 1,5 mm thick sheet steel

o   blank door made of 2,0 mm thick sheet stee

o   mounting plate made of 2,0 mm thick galvanised sheet steel


·       Quadro elettrico a parete con Porta Finestra – PLEXI

o   AT boxes W ≤ 400 mm

o   enclosure made of 1,35 mm thick sheet steel

o   plexi door made of 1,5 mm thick sheet steel with 4,0 mm thick clear Plexiglas

o   AT boxes W ≥ 500 mm

o   enclosure made of 1,5 mm thick sheet steel

o   plexi door made of 2,0 mm thick sheet steel with 4,0 mm thick clear Plexiglas

o   Mounting plate made of 2,0 mm thick galvanised sheet steel


·       Quadro elettrico a parete con Porta Doppia

o   Enclosure made of 1,5 mm thick sheet steel

o   Blank door made of 2,0 mm thick sheet steel

o   Mounting plate made of 2,0 mm thick galvanised sheet steel


Tutti i quadri elettrici a parete hanno le seguenti certificazioni:

·       UL Type 12 complying with UL508A; UL50

·       IP55 complying with EN62298; EN60529

·       Protection degree guaranteed by the two-component polyurethane foam seal; impact resistance IK10 complying with EN62208, EN62262

·       impact resistance IK10 complying with EN62208, EN62262

·       RINA